We are a Tech Start-up.

Seeking The Right Partnership's

'1-ID System'

(A world intergrated approach to identification & Bio safety)

Digital Currency Broker and new product on the market with diamond backed as a fix asset, you will never lose out!



One Wolrd

A Fast New Digital World.

But what's so special about biometrics?

Again, biometric systems are great wherever identification and authentication are critical.

Let’s quickly review the most typical use cases of biometric technologies:

  1. Law enforcement and public security (criminal/suspect identification)
  2. Military (enemy/ally identification)
  3. Border, travel, and migration control(traveller/migrant/passenger identification)
  4. Civil identification (citizen/resident/voter identification)
  5. Healthcare and subsidies (patient/beneficiary/healthcare professional identification)
  6. Physical and logical access (owner/user/employee/ contractor/partner identification)
  7. Commercial applications (consumer/customer identification)

Interested in working together?

get in touch!

We're just as picky as you are...

Intelligent Agencies, Governments, Border Enforcements, Passport & ID Agencies, Banks, Medical Agencies, Defence Agencies, Ethical Hackers, Data Agencies.